Nothing Is Impossible


Jami Kaeb and her husband wanted to adopt a child, but kept hitting roadblocks that made it seem impossible. Time and time again, when they thought things were going to work for them, their adoption opportunities fell through. The ups and downs of getting their hopes up only to be disappointed were very painful, but in the process they learned something that changed their lives: there are over 400,000 children in foster care in the United States. The fact that there were hundreds of thousands of children who had been abused and neglected to the point they had to be removed from their homes broke Jami’s heart and gave her a new dream. What if, instead of a way to help one of these children by adopting them, there was a way to help all of these kids?

How does a mom from Gridley, Illinois impact the life of every child in foster care nationwide? It seemed impossible, but Jami chased this impossible dream and started The Forgotten Initiative, an organization committed to mobilizing local churches to serve the foster care community through service projects, mentoring and family support initiatives. What started serving the foster community only in her home county, has now spread all across the country with advocates in 36 cities and 18 states. And it’s still growing.

Jami had a huge, impossible dream to change the world, and it happened. But how?

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
Ephesians 3:19 (NLT)

God has given each of us the ability to dream huge, God-sized dreams, and within our God-sized dreams is the capacity to transform our world. The impossible dreams he births and nurtures in our hearts are possible because when we step out in faith to pursue them he can accomplish infinitely more than we could ask or imagine.

If you dream it, God can do it.

Do you have a dream that could change your family, your community, or your world? Do you have a vision for something that is totally impossible but you can’t shake your passion to see it come to reality? God created you to dream big dreams and pursue them by trusting in him.

Nothing is impossible with God.
Luke 1:37 (NLT)

What is your God-sized dream? How will you begin stepping into it today?

Learn more about The Forgotten Initiative here.

Hear more from the Dream Big message series here.

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