Christian Life
Why Should I Get Baptized?

Why Should I Get Baptized?

Baptism can be confusing. That's totally understandable. It’s not easy to understand the significance of being immersed in water after becoming a Christian. Much of the confusion...

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What Does Forgiveness Feel Like?

What Does Forgiveness Feel Like?

They did something that hurt me. They took something from me that wasn't theirs. They said something hurtful. They gossiped to others about me in ways that both damaged my...

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Need Joy? Look Here.

Need Joy? Look Here.

Have you ever heard a baby laugh? Not just giggle, but full on laugh out loud with that tiny little voice? There is something so absolutely pure and innocent about that. That...

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Coronavirus and the Church

Coronavirus and the Church

When the coronavirus was just beginning to become a global threat, my family went to Disney World. I was hyper aware of handrail, door knob and surface that people from all over...

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It’s All About the Sheep

It’s All About the Sheep

I really love my husband and my children. If something happened to me tomorrow and they had to go on without me, the most important thing is that they know I love them. This love...

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