Why Listening to God May Not Really Be Listening to God

Why Listening to God May Not Really Be Listening to God

When I open up TikTok and start scrolling it's no surprise to hear the same song over and over again. At least one part of the song. The short length of videos on TikTok makes it perfect to hear the catchiest part of a song without having to listen to the rest of it....

3 Reasons Church Doesn’t Work If You Aren’t Serving

3 Reasons Church Doesn’t Work If You Aren’t Serving

Did you know there are people who taste pet food to make sure it is good enough for animals? Human beings actually eat the food that's made for pets to make sure it tastes good enough. There are all kinds of jobs that have to be done to make the world work: fortune...

3 Ways to Keep Toxic Emotions From Controlling You

3 Ways to Keep Toxic Emotions From Controlling You

People are struggling a lot with negative and toxic emotions right now. Maybe you are too. A recent Gallup survey showed that levels of stress, worry, sadness, and anger have continued to tick up, reaching their highest recorded levels in the last two years. Due to a...

Why Should I Get Baptized?

Why Should I Get Baptized?

Baptism can be confusing. That's totally understandable. It’s not easy to understand the significance of being immersed in water after becoming a Christian. Much of the confusion centers on questions like, "I was sprinkled as a child, so I don’t have to be baptized,...

What Does Forgiveness Feel Like?

What Does Forgiveness Feel Like?

They did something that hurt me. They took something from me that wasn't theirs. They said something hurtful. They gossiped to others about me in ways that both damaged my reputation and our relationship. They lied to me and betrayed me.   I guarantee there is...

His Needs, Her Needs: Building a Marriage That Lasts

His Needs, Her Needs: Building a Marriage That Lasts

Time after time, His Needs, Her Needs has topped the charts as the bestselling marriage book available. In this classic book, Dr. Willard F. Harley, Jr., identifies the 10 most vital needs of men and women and shows husbands and wives how to make their marriage sizzle...

Parental Guidance Required

Parental Guidance Required

We have all been shaped by our relationships. They impact the decisions we make, the places we go, and the things we do. That’s why it’s so important for parents to develop strong relationships with their children. As a parent, you have the opportunity and the...

If Money Talked: Four Things It Would Tell You

If Money Talked: Four Things It Would Tell You

If you invited money to pull up a chair and give you its best advice, you might be surprised that what it would say is pretty close to what Jesus did say two thousand years ago. It turns out, that the secret to financial success isn’t a secret at all. It’s just not at...

Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

God is love. Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love. Have you ever wondered if we’re missing it? It’s crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe—the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor—loves us with a radical, unconditional,...